Writings - Textbooks

Read about the textbook on motor carrier operations which we wrote for the Institute of Logistics Management’s new course. Mr. Weart is also on the faculty of ILM. Visit the Institute of Logistics Management by clicking this link: http://www.logistics-edu.com

Excerpt from the Preface to Transportation, Fith Edition

Walter Weart new member of the writing team, has added more recent tables, examples and recommended readings, assuring that this edition is as up to date as possible.

To support the instructor, Walter Weart has written a new instructor's manual with a test bank (ISBN 0-324- 00752-3). This supplement includes Learning Objectives, key terms, and a detailed chapter outline for each chapter. There are notes for the cases, Internet activities and other additional teaching materials. The testing material is comprised mainly of multiple choice, short answer and essay questions.

- Also new to this edition is an appendix with URL listings for all companies and organizations related to transportation that we mention in the text.

While making changes to the new edition, we retained features of the book that made previous editions successful: "Stop Off", that expand chapter material and deepen students understanding with real life examples, thorough chapter outlines, and summaries along with suggested readings and cases.

We wish to thank the following reviewers for their contributions:
Richard Barsness..........Lehigh University
Michael Demtesky........University of Virginia
Phil Eye........................University of Maryland
Jerry Foster..................University of Colorado
Lester Howel................University of Virginia
Clyde Walter................Iowa State University

The authors and South-Western College Publishing also wish to acknowledge the exceptional contribution of Walter Weart. Walter's academic affiliations include the University of Northern Colorado, Oakton Community College, where he served as department chair, College of Du Page, and William Harper College. Having used various editions of Transportation in his teaching experience, Walter has stepped forward to offer his invaluable assistance based on knowledge garnered as both academician as well as an executive and specialist in transportation in the business community. He has researched, updated, and reworked articles and tables, rewritten portions of the text that were outdated, and has coordinated the materials .for all authors ensure 2000 copyright publication. Mr. Weart has also written the instructor's manual with the test bank that accompanies this text. Thank you, Wally, for all of your help.

John J. Coyle Edward J. Batch Robert A. Novack