three articles written for November 2012 WT100
Collaboration Pushes
Intermodal to New Heights Multi-modal shipping has a
longer history than most realize, and is still responding
to changing needs with creativity and innovation.
Making the Connection
Between Mode and Location When sizing up a location,
transportation is an important factor including access
to rail and intermodal service.
To and From; Near
and Far A number of supply chain optimization factors
affect location, lanes and volumes, influencing mode
The Metamorphous of Drayage
Read an article I
wrote for the Hub Group, one of the largest
intermodal service providers. The piece details how the
Hub Group is implementing technology that will provide
visibility and seamless movement that supply chain
management requires.
Transportation Textbook
Read the preface to Transportation
a leading textbook used by colleges and universities.
technology research shared at AAR's 19th annual review
Railroaders, suppliers,
academics, government employees and other industry
stakeholders from 14 countries came to Colorado last week
to talk rail technology research — and then glimpse some
of that technology in action — at the Association of
American Railroads' (AAR) 19th Annual Research Review.